The history of Viospiral unfolds in 1974, when Nikolaos and Chrysostomos Natsakakos embarked on their journey by pioneering the creation of the first connecting tubes. With a vision for innovation, the company rapidly grew, introducing groundbreaking spiral connection tubes to the Greek market, establishing them as its hallmark to this day.
This relentless pursuit of progress culminated in 1990 with the relocation of Viospiral to its expansive, purpose-built facility spanning 3200 m² in Agios Ioannis Rentis, where it continues to thrive. Venturing into the realm of commerce, Viospiral garnered the trust of prominent European and American entities, forging exclusive partnerships for import and distribution.
Simultaneously, its product line transcended national borders, captivating the international market. Responding to escalating demands, the company took a significant stride in 2001 by establishing state-of-the-art, proprietary warehouses covering a vast expanse of 4000 m² on a 15-acre plot in Oinofyta, Boeotia. Today, Viospiral boasts an extensive network of partners, encompassing over 1500 wholesale outlets, including major retail chains nationwide.